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iXBRL updates

FRS 101, 102 and IFRS final taxonomies

The 2017 final taxonomies for reporting under FRS 101, FRS 102 and EU IFRS in the Republic of Ireland are now available. These taxonomies should be used for tagging the accounts of companies under the iXBRL filing regime.

Revenue has confirmed to us that accounts prepared under FRS 101, FRS 102 and EU IFRS accounting standards should be tagged using the taxonomy aligned to the accounting standard under which the accounts have been produced. The taxonomies can be found on the XBRL Ireland website.

The IE GAAP taxonomy is currently still accepted by Revenue however, we understand that in the future the use of this taxonomy will be restricted to section 110 companies only. We reported in Chartered Accountants Tax eNews that section 110 entities who prepare their accounts in accordance with Irish GAAP 2004 can still use the IE GAAP taxonomy.

Members have told us that the Companies Registration Office (CRO) number in the mandatory “Context Entity Identifier” field is not accepted by Revenue’s system and a solution is expected from Revenue.

Keep an eye on Chartered Accountants Tax eNews, tax.point and our iXBRL webcentre ( for further updates on iXBRL filing.