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Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

This month’s UK tax tidbits

  • The guidance on when HMRC may ask for security in respect of PAYE and National Insurance contributions has been updated
  • HMRC has re-issued VAT Notice 730: civil penalty investigations – statement of practice, updated for a new address for sending comments or suggestions
  • The House of Commons Library has published a briefing paper discussing the policy behind the VAT registration threshold
  • HMRC urges agents not to submit tax returns for clients who have not received request notices without registering them for self-assessment first
  • The Disclosure of Avoidance Schemes in VAT and other Indirect Taxes regime is the new way for promoters and users of these Avoidance Schemes to disclose them to HMRC. The regime came into force on 1 January 2018. Guidance on the new regime has been published in Notice 799 on GOV.UK. The Disclosure of VAT Avoidance Schemes regime set out in Notice 700/8, continues to apply to arrangements entered into before 1 January 2018.
  • The Hidden Economy in Great Britain report is the result of research which sought up-to-date information on the nature and scale of the hidden economy, and the characteristics and motivations of those involved
  • The detailed guidance notes for charities on how the tax system operates has been published
  • Revenue and Customs Brief 4 (2017): judgment of the Supreme Court in Investment Trust Companies explains that a final consumer who has been wrongly charged VAT by a VAT registered business must claim it back from that business but in very exceptional circumstances may be able to claim it from HMRC
  • HMRC has released a policy note on changes to the rules for relief for carried-forward losses changed which apply from 1 April 2017
  • In Revenue and Customs Brief 1 (2018): VAT – treatment of affiliation fees for sports clubs, HMRC is reminding organisations that the concession enabling sports clubs to treat affiliation fees as exempt from VAT will be withdrawn from 1 April 2018
  • The GAAR advisory panel have recently published several opinions
  • HMRC have published research exploring small businesses and landlords attitudes, behaviours and digital capability relevant to Making Tax Digital for Business
  • HMRC have published a brief explaining the background leading to the Supreme Court Littlewoods judgment and HMRC’s position that statutory interest paid to claimants is adequate and it isn’t necessary for compound interest to be paid
  • HMRC is allowing a ‘grandfathering’ provision until 5 April 2019 for the Extra-Statutory Concession on the remuneration of sub-postmaster
  • HMRC has confirmed in its employment income manual that worldwide subsistence rates for expenses claims for employees travelling outside the UK will not be increased post Brexit. The rates published in October 2014 will continue to apply for the year commencing October 2017
  • An updated list of upcoming tax tribunal appeal hearings, including details of previous cases has been published
  • The full rollout of tax-free childcare has been delayed to March 2018 with the scheme now open to parents whose youngest child is under nine
  • The following PAYE publications were published or updated:- Draft legislation: The Income Tax (Pay As You Earn) Regulations 2017, PAYE draft forms: P11D and P9D and PAYE draft forms: P11D and P11D Working Sheets (2017 to 2018)