Ireland has lowest ratio of tax revenue to GDP in EU
Tax revenues rose in 19 Member States in 2016 as a percentage of GDP in 2016, according to a study published recently by the European Commission. The level of taxation in the EU differs greatly across Member State, with Denmark, France and Belgium having the highest ratio of tax revenue to GDP (46.4 %, 45.6 % and 44.4 % respectively), while Ireland (23.3 %), Romania (25.9 %) and Bulgaria (29.0 % of GDP) the lowest.
The report also shows that the share of labour taxes in total tax revenues shrank progressively from 2010 to 2016 when it accounted for 49.8% – similar to its pre-crisis level. Corporate income tax revenues, on the other hand rose to 2.7% of GDP in 2016 compared with 2.6% in 2015, continuing their gentle increase since the crisis though not yet at pre-crisis levels.