Revenue guidance
Revenue published several new additional Tax and Duty manuals and updates to their existing manuals in recent weeks. We have summarised the key manuals below.
- RevApp and the Receipts Tracker – the manual provides information in relation to accessing and using RevApp and the Receipts Tracker.
- Monitoring compliance with transfer pricing rules – the manual has been updated and sets out Revenue’s approach to monitoring compliance with transfer pricing legislation.
- Transfers of assets, other than trading stock, within group – the manual has been updated to reflect the amendment made to section 617 TCA 1997 by Finance Act 2017 which extended the meaning of a group of companies for the purposes of the relief to companies that are resident for tax purposes in countries with which this country has a double taxation treaty.
- Investment undertakings – the general guidance on the taxation of investment undertakings, is updated for changes to the taxation of Investment Limited Partnerships made in Finance Act 2013. The guidance is also updated for legislative and administrative provisions.
- Mutual Assistance Requests – a new manual provides staff with a practical guide to the preparation of Mutual Assistance Requests and Responses for onward transmission to other Member States.
- Taxation of life assurance companies – the manual has been updated to incorporate all previously published material on the old and new basis of taxation for life assurance companies.
- Sugar Tax – a new manual incorporates information formerly contained in the Sugar Sweetened Drinks General Taxpayers Guide.
- PAYE (Employers) Compliance – the manual has been updated to reflect an employer’s obligations under the Income Tax (Employments) (Consolidated) Regulations 2001 (as amended) – commonly known as the PAYE Regulations.