TaxSource Total

Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

Tax Strategy Papers

The Department of Finance released the annual tax strategy group papers scoping out tax possibilities for the upcoming Budget 2019 last month. While the papers list out issues to be considered in the budgetary process, they are recommendations to inform the lawmakers rather than decisions.

Most noteworthy is a paper suggesting that the 9 percent VAT rate has served its purpose and would not be detrimental to the economy if it was removed. Other recommendations to note include a proposed increase in the standard rate band threshold, increasing the earned income tax credit for the self-employed and changes to the CAT thresholds and small gift exemption. Suggestions to restrict corporation tax losses accumulated to banks were not viewed as feasible and there was little mention of measures to ease the housing crisis or measures to support landlords remaining in the rental market.

The following papers have been published and can be found at