This month’s UK tax tidbits
HMRC’s latest accounts and performance stats feature this month.
- HMRC’s 2018/19 annual accounts have been published together with Your Charter annual reports and Tax avoidance litigation decisions
- HMRC has published guidance on the corporation tax relief rules for certain acquisitions of goodwill and relevant assets from 1 April 2019
- “Find updated step-by-step help to send an Earlier Year Update” if you currently use the Basic PAYE Tools to operate payroll
- “VAT: general enquiries” has been updated with the latest contact details
- “Get help with online webinars from HMRC if you’re an agent” has been updated
- “Notice 100: customs Flexible Accounting System” explains how to pay for charges due on imported goods by using the Flexible Accounting System for charges due on imported goods
- “Changes to the VAT MOSS rate for other countries” has been updated
- HMRC’s latest performance stats have been published
- “The Non-Statutory Clearance Service guidance: annexes” sets out the updated annexes to be used alongside HMRC guidance on this service
- “Genuine HMRC contact and recognising phishing emails and texts” has been updated for the latest scams
- The latest Pensions schemes newsletter is available
- Use updated form 50(FS) if you’re a non UK resident trustee to tell HMRC about possible capital gains tax liabilities of UK resident settlors or beneficiaries, or both
- HMRC has announced that the corporation tax filing service has been updated
- HMRC are seeking views on draft regulations to restrict the National Insurance employment. This reform would be effective from 6 April 2020. The consultation is open until 20 August 2019
- The Adjudicator has published her Annual Report 2019 which covers the period 1 April 2018–31 March 2019
- Use the up dated register to check the status of overseas corporate lenders who are passport holders for Double Taxation Relief on UK loan interest
- “How to apply for clearance or approval of a transaction from HMRC” has been updated
- Check the updated list of VAT appeals that HMRC has lost, or partly lost, that could have implications for other businesses
- “Check the status of tax policy consultations” has been updated
- “Employment Allowance: further guidance for employers” has been updated
- The consultation outcome for royalty withholding tax has been published
- “No Safe Havens 2019” has been published
- The list of mortgage providers and lenders who accept a SA302 calculation and a tax year overview has been updated
- “Opting to tax land and buildings (VAT Notice 742A)” has been updated
- Details of the most recent GAAR advisory panel opinions have been published
- “Claim Research and Development (R&D) expenditure credit” has been updated
- “Report sales to VAT-registered EU businesses using the EC Sales List” has been updated
- Various publications relevant to Brexit have been updated