TaxSource Total

Here you can access relevant source documents which support the summaries of key tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally

Source documents include:

  • Chartered Accountants Ireland’s representations and submissions
  • published documents by the Irish Revenue, UK HMRC, EU Commission and OECD
  • other government documents

The source documents are displayed per year, per month, by jurisdiction and by title

Revenue eBrief No.10/2008

Cesser of Payment of Registry of Deeds Fee by means of a Revenue Stamp

Revenue has been informed by the Property Registration Authority that a new Registry of Deeds Fees Order is expected to be introduced shortly. Under the new Fees Order, fees will only be payable directly to the Property Registration Authority by cash, cheque or electronically.

Currently, the fee in relation to a Memorial may be paid directly to the Registry of Deeds or alternatively the fee may be paid through Revenue by having a stamp impressed on the Memorial. The payment method by means of a Revenue stamp will cease under the new Fees Order. This change will have limited impact as the majority of fees in respect of Memorials are currently paid directly to the Registry of Deeds.

In anticipation of this change and to ensure that the stamping of Memorials presented to Revenue Offices are finalised before the operative date of the new Fees Order, Revenue are ceasing to accept Registry of Deeds fees in relation to Memorials from 18 March 2008.

From 18 March 2008, all Memorials should be sent directly to the Registry of Deeds, Kings Inns, Henrietta Street, Dublin 7 together with the appropriate fee.