A Household Charge Boycott is Inappropriate, and Calls for the Boycott Should be Ignored – Chartered Accountants Ireland
It is illegal and undemocratic not to comply with any tax raised through correct procedure in Dail Eireann. Chartered Accountants Ireland accepts that there are legitimate concerns with the new Household Charge, in particular its application where substantial amounts of Stamp Duty have recently been paid on the property. However, the strong tax compliance culture which exists in this country is being undermined by calls for a boycott.
“We simply cannot choose to disregard taxes and levies on personal or ideological grounds” according to Chartered Accountants Ireland president Mr John Hannaway. Chartered Accountants play a significant role in the tax compliance process, both as the financial managers arranging payments on behalf of their businesses and as professional advisers to personal and corporate taxpayers. “A strong compliance culture is essential for any modern democracy. The State should not have to divert scarce resources to combat tax evasion, nor should the confidence of honest taxpayers in the system be undermined by the dishonesty of the few”.