- Budget 2012-All Over, Bar the Drafting?
- A Household Charge Boycott is Inappropriate, and Calls for the Boycott Should be Ignored Chartered Accountants Ireland
- Household Charge Bill Goes to President for Signature
- New Relevant Contracts Tax (RCT) System Now Live
- Supreme Court Rules on Anti-Avoidance Case, Eventually
- Plastic Bag Levy-High Court Rules in Favour of Revenue
- Social Welfare Bill 2011 Passed by Dਬ Eireann
- Supporting Job Creation Revenue Guidance
- Mortgage Interest Relief Effects of Budget 2012 Measures
- Revenue Clarify Availability of Relief Under BES or EII
- Access to ARF Option from Buy-Out-Bonds
- Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT) Exemption Relating to Qualifying Expenses of Incapacitated Persons
- Notes for Guidance VAT Directive Implementing Regulation
- Return of Payments (Insurance Undertakings) Regulations 2011-S. I. No. 641 of 2011