Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 (as amended up to and including Finance Act 2019)
- Section 470 — Relief for insurance against expenses of illness.
- Section 470A — Relief for premiums under qualifying long-term care policies.
- Section 470B — Age-related relief for health insurance premiums.
- Section 471 — Relief for contributions to permanent health benefit schemes.
- Section 472 — Employee tax credit.
- Section 472A — Relief for the long-term unemployed.
- Section 472AA — Relief for long-term unemployed starting a business
- Section 472AB
— Earned income tax credit
- Section 472B — Seafarer allowance, etc.
- Section 472BA — Fisher tax creditFootnotes
- Section 472BB
— Sea-going naval personnel credit.
- Section 472C — Relief for trade union subscriptions.
- Section 472D — Relief for key employees engaged in research and development activities.
- Section 473 — Allowance for rent paid by certain tenants.
- Section 473A — Relief for fees paid for third level education, etc.
- Section 474 — [Relief for fees paid to private colleges for full-time third level education.] [section repealed]
- Section 474A — [Relief for fees paid to publicly funded colleges in the European Union for full-time third level education.] [section repealed]
- Section 475 — [Relief for fees paid for part-time third level education.] [section repealed]
- Section 475A — [ Relief for postgraduate fees.] [section repealed]
- Section 476 — Relief for fees paid for training courses.
- Section 477 — Relief for service charges.
- Section 477A — [Relief for energy efficient works.] [section repealed]
- Section 477B — Home renovation incentive
- Section 477C
— Help to Buy
- Section 478 — Relief for payments made by certain persons in respect of alarm systems.
- Section 479 — Relief for new shares purchased on issue by employees.