Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 (as amended up to and including Finance Act 2019)
- Section 480 — Relief for certain sums chargeable under Schedule E.
- Section 480A — Relief on retirement for certain income of certain sportspersons.
- Section 480B — Relief arising in special circumstances
- Section 481
— Relief for investment in films.
- Section 482 — Relief for expenditure on significant buildings and gardens.
- Section 483 — Relief for certain gifts.
- Section 484 — [Relief for gifts for education in the arts.] [section repealed]
- Section 485 — [Relief for gifts to third-level institutions.] [section repealed]
- Section 485A — [ Relief for gifts made to designated schools.] [section repealed]
- Section 485B — [Relief for gifts to the Scientific and Technological Education (Investment) Fund.] [section repealed]
- Section 485C
— Interpretation (Chapter 2A).
- Section 485D — Application (Chapter 2A).
- Section 485E — Recalculation of taxable income for purposes of limiting reliefs.
- Section 485F — Carry forward of excess relief.
- Section 485FA — Adaptation of provisions relating to taxation of married persons.
- Section 485FB — Requirement to provide estimates and information.
- Section 485G — Miscellaneous (Chapter 2A).
- Section 486 — [Corporation tax: relief for gifts to First Step.] [section repealed]
- Section 486A — [ Corporate donations to eligible charities.] [section repealed]
- Section 486B — Relief for investment in renewable energy generation.
- Section 486C — Relief from tax for certain start-up companies.
- Section 487 — Corporation tax: credit for bank levy.
- Section 488 — Interpretation
- Section 489 — Interpretation (Chapter 2)