Tax Briefing No. 68
This issue deals with guides and procedures on Medical Expense Claims; directions on how to complete the Offshore Funds sections of Form 11, Form CT1, Form 1 and Form (Firm) 1; Qualifying Resort Area Relief and recent Fáilte Ireland changes; the options for tax relief on plant integral to industrial buildings; the availability of the PAYE credit and Revenue's Integrated Taxation System (ITS).
Tax Briefing No 68 is possibly Revenue's most detailed outline of medical expenses qualifying for tax relief. The option is now available on grounds of confidentiality to have a medical expense claim examined by a Revenue officer outside of the claimant's local District if selected for audit and details of the entitlement to claim relief in cases of awards for damages are also discussed.
Revenue notes that Fáilte Ireland intends to phase out the listing of self-catering accommodation and accepts that the listing requirement for self-catering accommodation under Resort Area Relief is satisfied provided that all other conditions to the relief are fulfilled.
An outline on the options for claiming tax relief on plant integral to industrial/commercial buildings qualifying for Industrial Buildings Relief is provided in the context of the transitional arrangements introduced in FA 2006 for the phasing out of capital allowances for certain industrial and commercial buildings.
A useful outline of Revenue's position on the availability of the PAYE credit for Irish residents in receipt of a pension from an EU member state is detailed in Issue 68 along with clarification on the availability of the PAYE credit for cross-frontier workers.
Revenue's Integrated Taxation System will be introduced to Income Tax and Corporation Tax Assessing Systems by mid 2009. The key benefit of this update will be that Revenue staff will have access to the on-line calculation of tax liabilities facility and should therefore be better equipped to deal with taxpayer and practitioner queries on tax returns submitted on ROS. New and improved Notices of Assessment are promised on full installation of ITS.