Revenue eRegistration Update
An update on the ROS eRegistration services, which were launched last November, was published by Revenue last month. According to the update, the facility now provides a number of new services such as re-Registration for Income Tax and Corporation Tax and a new registration for Trusts and Partnerships. From 1 June 2011, TR1 and TR2 paper forms will be limited to certain cases. The update also confirms that a pdf file format will be accepted from 13 May 2011 for registration documents.
The eRegistration facility now includes the following new services:
- Re-Registration for Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Employers PAYE/PRSI and eLevy by both agents and registered ROS individuals.
- Re-registration for VAT and RCT cannot be accommodated in eRegistration and will continue to be a paper based activity.
- New registration for Trusts and Partnerships.
Also the following features apply:
- Where an agent sets up a link to a registration for more than one business tax, a single agent link letter will issue with multiple registrations rather than a single letter for each tax.
- At least one contact details field must be completed for all new eRegistrations.
The requirement to use “tiff” file format when submitting the client authorisation letter was causing difficulties for practitioners as many scanning systems did not support this file format. This matter was discussed with Revenue through the TALC Collection forum. In response, Revenue has confirmed that “pdf” as a file format will be accepted by Revenue.
Readers should note that from 1 June 2011, the availability of paper TR1 and TR2 forms will be limited and mainly confined to registrations not catered for in eRegistration.
The eRegistration update note is available at