Revenue phone lines
Revenue has introduced a centralised LoCall Number which is open for business 9.30 am – 4:00 pm for Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax, VAT, Capital Acquisitions Tax, Relevant Contracts Tax and tax registrations.
Revenue has informed us that this streamlined approach was introduced at the end of February to deal with customer service enquiries and the point of contact will route the calls to the appropriate people. According to Revenue, the service is being rolled out on a phased basis and is currently in operation in Large Cases Division, South West and Border, Midlands, West Regions. Services will commence in the East South East and Dublin regions at a later stage.
Revenue said that the service is for taxpayer service queries. Any queries regarding compliance interventions should be directed to the officer carrying out the intervention. Some taxpayer service queries may be complex or require further consideration and in those instances the customer will be requested to submit their query in writing through MyEnquiries.
Revenue tell us that it is hoped that the centralised service will provide better functionality and management of calls, allowing Revenue to respond to customers/agents more speedily.